Refund Policy

Refund & Replacement Policies

If, after placing your order, you realise you’ve made a mistake or no longer want the order, then we can process a cancellation within 1 hour of the order being placed. Please reach out to us at, and provided it’s within 1 hour and the order hasn’t shipped, we should be able to cancel your order and process a refund for you.

If you received an item that is damaged or faulty, we would happily replace the item at no additional cost to you. Please contact us within 48 hours after receiving it.

We would be willing to accept a return. However, it only makes sense if the packaging is unopened and unused. Otherwise, how can we expect another customer to accept a used item? The return shipping has to be paid for by the customer and original shipping fee is not refundable.

Once we inspect the returned goods and see it meets our criteria, we’ll be more than happy to return your money right away.

Incorrect Address Submitted

Zenko Health will not be held liable for any misrouted parcels. Please ensure that all the information you have provided is correct before submitting your order to prevent losses in the mail or other mishaps from happening.

If you have other concerns, please contact our Customer Service via email

Return To Sender Packages

Zenko Health will not be held liable for packages that are returned to sender. Customers are advised to carefully enter the correct addresses. Otherwise, the package will not be delivered.

Once the item is received at the warehouse, we can repack, relabel, and reship them. However you need to understand that doing so requires an additional cost for reshipping the item.

Can I Cancel My Order(s)?

Yes. Cancellations must be made within 1 hour of order placement. Send us an email within 1 hour and let us know the reason why you wish to cancel your order.

We do not accept cancellation of orders outside the 1 hour window.